Pennan Village

A long history filled with community spirit

Early Pennan

Pennan Families

A book, published in 1930, by Peter Anson, called “Fishing Boats And Fisher Folk on the East Coast of Scotland”, gives us a clear picture of Pennan in 1855.

“The little village in 1855 seems to have been very prosperous, containing 129 men and boys, all engaged in herring or line fisheries, and a fleet of 40 boats”.

The note on the text explains that these boats were made up of “Fifteen first class drifters above 30-feet keel and twenty five smaller craft. There were three curers here, and altogether 240 persons found employment in the fishing”.

Pennan was mostly made up of three families, the Watts, the Wests and the Gatts. In later years the Gibsons also featured prominently in the village.